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07-11 November 2016

Rio de Janeiro

Ensure the security of nuclear/radioactive facilities is a critical element in preventing theft and sabotage that could result in a radiological release.


But how to prevent, detect and response to malicious acts involving nuclear and other radioactive materials?


We cannot afford to wait for an act of nuclear terrorism before working together to collectively improve our nuclear security culture, share our best practices, and raise our standards for nuclear security.


We invite you to the second Nuclear Security Week – NSW2, organized by the Nuclear Engineering Program (PEN) and the UFRJ’s Institute of Nuclear Material Management (INMM) Student Chapter.


NSW2 is an opportunity for students and professionals of all nuclear related area to gather, exchange ideas, promote networking and participate in discussions and exercises to increase their nuclear security knowledge. NSW2 will bring experts and representatives from intergovernmental and non-governmental organizations that contribute to nuclear security with relevant competencies; regulatory body; industry and other entities engaged in activities relevant to nuclear security.



The NSW2 will start introducing the nuclear security concept, presenting the interface between security, safety and safeguards, explaining the national legal framework and the applicable aspect of nuclear security to different carrier in the nuclear area. These aspects will be covered by the Brazilian Regulatory Body – CNEN.  


At the end of the first day, INMM UFRJ Student Chapter will give a talk, where the participants can disclosure the Chapter purpose and work.


At the second and third day, we will delve more deeply into specific issues, including facility identification and target characterization, PPS design, nuclear security culture, insider threat and preventive measures. The human factors at the nuclear security aspect will be presented by a renowned institution on this issue, King’s College London from UK and the technical aspects of security will be presented by professionals from Nuclear Security Science and Policy Institute – TAMU, USA.  


NSW2 will also promote exercises as, radioactive source localization, identification and transportation. A technical visit to the NPP Angra with a security focus will be offered to the attendees at the fourth day. The last day will have a certificate ceremony for all participants and speakers and a closure dinner to promote networking and knowledge sharing.

NPP Visitation

   Exercises and Study Cases



To know more about our speakers, click in each logo bellow.


In order to increase your nuclear security knowledge, we provide all NSW2 lectures and exercises in Google Drive.


To access, go to the link below.


As soon as possible, we will be releasing your entry. 

Lectures & Exercises
Do you need more information?

© 2016 by UFRJ INMM Student Chapter

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